Phil McVay

Web Developer


<About />

<Skills />

        let skillsList = {
          frontEnd: [
            'HTML 5',
            'CSS 3',
            'Javascript (ES6+)',
            'RESTful API Integration'
          backEnd: [
          testing: [
            'React Testing Library',
          other: [
            'Unit Testing'

<Projects />


A social network application to help local musicians connect with each other and collaborate on musical projects. This is a full stack application using the MERN stack.


A simple app made in React that lets you enter some options and have the computer randomly choose one for you.

Github Finder

An app built using modern javascript features such as Promises, Classes and async/await functions which lets you search for a github user based on their username.

Loan Calculator

A tool built in Vanilla JS to calculate the total repayments of a loan.

Task List

A task list built with Vanilla Javascript with full CRUD functionality and browser local storage integration.

<Contact />